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Molecular Devices

pCLAMP 11 Software, Patch Clamp, Elektrofiziológia

Patch-clamp analysis software with Clampfit Advanced Analysis Module
The pCLAMP™ Software Suite is an industry-leading patch-clamp electrophysiology data acquisition and analysis program for the control and recording of voltage-clamp, current-clamp, and patch-clamp experiments. The software suite consists of Clampex 11 Software for data acquisition, AxoScope 11 Software for background recording, Clampfit 11 Software for data analysis, and optional Clampfit Advanced Analysis Module for sophisticated and streamlined analysis.

Design advanced protocols easily
The enhanced protocol editor enables up to 50 epochs instead of 10, providing the flexibility to program longer, more sophisticated protocols.

Streamline workflows
Batch analysis macros enable the analysis of data files in batches and eliminates the need to define parameters for every data set.

Analyze faster
Automated event detection analyzes spontaneous and evoked action potentials and post-synaptic data. Identify events based on a variety of factors.




  • Comprehensive analysis tools

    The software includes a wealth of analysis tools including 24 cursor pairs for regions of interest search, graph plotting tools such as I-V plot and histogram, and more.

  • Improved visualization

    The membrane testwindow displays up to eight channels simultaneously, making it easier to control multiple channels.

  • Enhanced gap-free mode

    A simple continuous "chart-recorder" useful for monitoring single channel events, minis, and other spontaneous activities. Protocol-editor-style epochs and program digital or analog outputs can be executed.

  • Population spike analysis*

    This tool automatically calculates amplitude, area under the curve, half-width, decay and rise time, decay and rise slope, coastline of spike, and paired pulses.

  • Action potential analysis*

    This feature automatically detects and analyzes amplitude, APD90, rise and decay time, rise and decay slope, peak-to-peak frequency and time, and more.

  • Batch analysis*

    Macros for batch analysis eliminates the need to define parameters for every data set. Saved macros can be applied to multiple data sets for automatic analysis.



Műszaki specifikációk


System Requirements


Operating system

Minimum: Windows 7 Pro (32-bit)**
Recommended: Windows 10 Pro (32- or 64-bit)**


Minimum: PC with 2 GHz processor
Recommended: PC with 2.0 GHz (or faster) Duo Processor


Minimum: 1.2 GB RAM
Recommended: 4 GB or higher


Minimum: 1440 x 900 display
Recommended: 1920 x 1080 display or higher


Minimum: 1 USB 1 port (for security key dongle), 1 USB 2.0 port (for Digidata digitizers)
Recommended: 3 USB 2.0 ports


**We only support Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions but not Home edition.



Basic Ion Channel Research

Ion channels are pore proteins that are involved in a large variety of physiological processes. Basic research in the ion channel field furthers the understanding of ion channel function as well as their roles within cellular pathways and processes. Single-channel research helps with elucidating the mechanisms underlying ion channel function on a single-molecule level. Whole-cell and perforated patch clamp recordings are typically used to investigate the action of modulators on entire populations of ion channels in the membrane of a cell. 

Cell Pathway Analysis

Ion channels are involved in many cell pathways and understanding the function of ion channels in response to changes in membrane potential or the presence or absence of other molecules is important in order to understand exactly how ion channels participate in normal and abnormal biological processes such as cell differentiation and migration, disease states, neuronal communications, etc. 

Disease Research

Ion channels play a role in many diseases, including hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, gastrointestinal, immune and neuromuscular disorders, pathological pain and cancer. By understanding the exact role that ion channels play in a particular disease, researchers might be able to find a way to affect the ion channel in such a way as to alter the course of the disease. Learn more.

Safety Assessment

A critical part of drug discovery involves safety assessments, such as hERG testing, in order to eliminate any compounds with potential safety concerns. Conventional patch clamp has played an important role in collecting evidence for the absence of side effects before submission of a drug candidate to regulatory authorities. Even if automated electrophysiology has shifted safety testing to earlier stages in the drug discovery process, follow-up with conventional patch clamp is an essential step in the workflow.

Tartozékok, kiszerelések

Compatible instruments

Digidata 1550B 8-Channel Digitizer
Digidata 1440A 16-Channel Digitizer
MiniDigi 1B Two-Channel Digitizer
Axoclamp 900A Microelectrode Amplifier
Axopatch 200B Microelectrode Amplifier
MultiClamp 700B Microelectrode Amplifier
Most BNC-telegraphed amplifiers also supported*

*Supports all previous versions in a model line.

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