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Thermo Scientific

PCR-csövek, -stripek és PCR-plate-ek

QSP PCR plate
QSP tubes are made from 100% virgin polypropylene utilizing state of the art molds and molding methods. These products are precision molded for an airtight fit without using a mold release agent in the manufacturing process.


All tubes and caps are certified RNase/DNase, DNA, and Pyrogen free. Colors available are red, blue, green, yellow, orange and violet. To order colored tubes and caps, add the letter of the color to the end of the catalog number (i.e. 430-R, which is a red tube). For mixed colors add  "-MIXED" to the end of the catalog number (i.e. 430-MIXED).

Tartozékok, kiszerelések

 Thin Wall PCR Tubes

Cat. No. Color Sterility Package Type Tubes/Unit Unit/CS
0.2 ml Thin Wall PCR Tube with Dome Cap
430 Natural Non sterile Bagged 1,000 5
0.2 ml Thin Wall PCR Tube with Flat Cap
431 Natural Non sterile Bagged 1,000 5
0.2 ml Capless Thin Wall PCR Tube
432 Natural Non sterile Bagged 1,000 5
0.6 ml Thin Wall PCR Tube with Flat Cap
445 Natural Non sterile Bagged 1,000 10


 Thin Wall PCR Tube Strips

Cat. No. Color Sterility Package Type Tubes/Unit Unit/CS
8-Strip of 0.2 ml Thin Wall PCR Tube with Dome Cap
435440 Natural Non sterile Bagged 960 5
120 strips of 8 tubes and caps | Alphanumeric markings for sample identification | For mixed colors order
435440-M (includes all colors, except natural) | To order colored strip tubes and caps, add the letter of
the color to the catalog number (i.e. 435440-R which are red strip tubes and caps).
12-Strip of 0.2 ml Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Dome Caps
437442 Natural Non sterile Bagged 960 5
80 strips of 12 tubes and caps | Alphanumeric markings for sample identification | Available in natural only


 Thin Wall Thermo Cycler Plates

Cat. No. Color Sterility Package Type Tubes/Unit Unit/CS
0.2 ml 96 Well Thin Wall Thermo Cycler Plates
460-96 Natural Non sterile Bagged 10 5
440 Natural Non sterile Bagged 960 5
Alphanumeric markings for sample identification | Use 8-strip caps to seal the plate catalog number 440

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