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GenomeLab™ GeXP Genetic Analysis System

Complement your gene expression analysis with LOH studies. Confirm your SNP analysis results by sequencing. Combine MLPA genomic results with quantitative gene expression for the full story.



The GenomeLab™ GeXP supports a variety of applications, including DNA sequencing and fragment analysis. Furthermore, this flexible system allows you to run more than one application on the same plate and up to 192 samples unattended.

Get the results you need all on one platform, using:

  • One Gel
  • One Capillary Array
  • One Software Package

A broad spectrum of applications:

  • Gene Expression
  • DNA Sequencing
  • Genotyping and SNP Analysis
  • STR Analysis
  • AFLP®*
  • MLPA**
  • LOH
  • MLVA

GenomeLab GeXP Genetic Analysis System Brochure


Genetic Analysis Features & Benefits

The GenomeLab™ GeXP Genetic Analysis System utilizes single or dual plates with the sample tracking technology option to provide an advanced, industry-leading genetic analysis solution. The result is a fully automated, high-resolution system that adapts well to daily workflow changes in sample type and complexity.

The GenomeLab™ GeXP has the ability to process and track samples in two 96-well plates. An array of eight capillaries takes full advantage of the 96-well plate format, enabling you to process over 192 samples, including thousands of genes, within 24 hours. This level of throughput reduces the cost and complexity associated with microarrays. Samples are automatically denaturated on-line prior to electrokinetic injection.

Long-Life Lasers

On-column, laser-induced fluorescence with auto capillary alignment ensures sensitive and reliable detection. Long life diode lasers are used to excite infrared dyes, providing higher sensitivity at a fraction of the cost of argon ion lasers.

Dual Plates

This system has the ability to process and track samples in two 96-well plates. An array of eight capillaries takes full advantage of the 96-well plate format, enabling over 192 samples, including thousands of genes, to be processed within 24 hours. A Single plate GeXP format is also available. Please ask your sales representative for more details.

Sample Tracking Made Simple

An integrated barcode reader ensures accurate sample tracking and reporting. It also lets you create GenomeLab™ GeXP sample setup with automated liquid handlers such as our Biomek® Series laboratory automation workstations.

Automatic Gel Loading

Because the gel is automatically loaded into the capillary array, you're assured of a consistent gel matrix for every run. The modular 20 ml gel cartridge are easily replaced.

Comprehensive Software Package

The GenomeLab™ software provides automated genotype calling and links to gene expression studies, association studies, pharmacogenomics and informatics. GenomeLab™ software also provides high quality sequence data analysis, ideal for genome sequence assembly, polymorphism studies, EST analysis and phylogenetic analysis.

Integrated Sample Handling

For sample preparation, the Biomek® series automated liquid handlers, as well as Allegra™ and Avanti® series centrifuges are fully compatible with the GenomeLab™ GeXP Genetic Analysis System.

WellRED Dyes

Beckman Coulter's WellRED dyes are uniquely designed for use with the GeXP Genetic Analysis System. The WellRED dyes emission spectra is in the near infrared region, providing greater sensitivity and significantly lower background than dyes that emit within the visible end of the spectrum. This results in minimal noise, which can interfere with peak detection and quantitation.

Identify Changes or Mutations in a Sequence

Our CEQuence Investigator automatically determines if the sequence orientation is forward or reverse, matches the orientation, forms consensus, aligns the consensus with a reference sequence, and provides a detailed report on the differences.

World-class Support at Your Fingertips

Wherever you are, our world-class customer service and support is dedicated to making sure your Beckman Coulter system functions at peak efficiency throughout its lifetime. Across the globe, a network of technical and application experts is available online, on site and by phone to help with all your system support needs.


WellRED Fluorescent Dyes

Long-Life Lasers

The WellRED fluorescent dyes from Beckman Coulter facilitate high sensitivity detection. Excitation of these dyes is achieved with a 650 nm and 750 nm diode laser. These diode lasers have a long life and are inexpensive to maintain. The emissions from these dyes are well separated and are in the infrared when there is less interference from biological materials. The WellRED dyes are available as dideoxy terminators, ddA, ddC, ddG, and ddT within the GenomeLab™ Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing (DTCS) Kits, GenomeLab™ SNPStart Primer Extension Kit, or may be purchased as dye-labeled custom oligonucleotides from Proligo.

Additionally, the WellRED Dye-Labeled Phosphoramidites are easily coupled to the 5' end of oligonucleotides using commercial DNA synthesizers.




Műszaki specifikációk
  • 8 kapillárisos array bevont (coated) kapilláris az EOF (electro-osmotic flow) csökkentésére
  • Lézer indukálta fluoreszcenciás detektálás
  • Fényforrás: 2 db far-red dióda lézer (hullámhossz: 650 és 750 nm) alkalmazása az alacsony zaj elérése érdekében
  • 4-féle jelölés egyidejű leolvasása: lézerenként 2 festék kerül gerjesztésre, így könnyebb a spektrum átfedésekből adódó nehézségek (color compensation) kompenzációja – szemben az 1 lézer > 4 festékkel alkalmazottakkal.
  • Mivel a dióda lézer intenzitása több ezer munkaórán túl is szinte változatlan, a matrix kompenzációt csak egyszer kell elvégezni.
  • 96 minta (8 x 12)  beavatkozásmentes, automatizált feldolgozása
  • Automatikus minta denaturáció (a készülék maga végzi), minta- és gélbetöltés
  • Egyféle, lineáris poliakrilamid alapú – nem mérgező - univerzális gél  szekvenáláshoz és fragmens analízis módszerekhez, valamint multiplex génexpressziós vizsgálatokhoz egyaránt
  • A futtatásra előkészített minták formamid tartalmú oldatban (sample loading solution) inert olajjal lefedve -20 fokon akár 1 hónapig is tárolhatók a microplate welljeiben.
  • Korlátlan számú szoftverlicenc
  • A készülék alkalmas akár 30 gén költséghatékony multiplex génexpressziós vizsgálatához alacsony (20 ng totál RNS/minta) mintaigénnyel
  • Egyféle kapilláris rövid és hosszú szakaszok szekvenálására, valamint fragmensanalízisre és génexpressziós vizsgálatra egyaránt
  • Egy plate-n belül a 8-kapillárisnak megfelelően 12, egymástól eltérő applikáció futtatása.
  • Különálló szoftver multiplex esszé tervezéséhez és analízishez
  • Nyílt rendszert biztosít más multiplex génexpressziós kémiához is.
  • Támogatja a következő génexpressziós panelek analízisét: humán és patkány referencia gének, humán mellrák, humán metasztázis
  • Szekvenálás
  • 700 bp leolvasása 75 percen belül
  • 96 minta szekvenálása 900 bp-ig 24 óra alatt
  • 500 bp leolvasása 45 percen belül
  • 96 minta szekvenálása 500 bp-ig 9 óra alatt
  • 98%-nál jobb leolvasási pontosság pUC18 templátnál
  • Hosszabb szekvenálások akár 900 bp-ig
  • Kimagasló eredmények problémás templátok esetén (GC-gazdag szakaszok, mikroszatelliták)
  • Teljes Phred/Phrap kompatibilitás
  • Adatkimenet SCF, SEQ, FASTA, PHRAP és ASCII formátumokban
  • Fragmensanalízis
  • Felbontóképesség: 1 bázis 60-tól 400 bp-ig
  • Felbontóképesség: 2 bázis 600 bp-ig
  • 8 minta feldolgozása 45-55 percenként (400 és 600 bp között)
  • 96 minta feldolgozása 9-12 órán belül a betöltéstől az adatexportig
  • Multiplex reakciók akár 20 lokuszig, well-enként 4 festék használatával (Cy5 kompatibilitás)
  • Automatikus allél meghatározás
  • Mikroszatellit amplifikációs termékek méretének pontos meghatározása (S.D. < 0.27 bázis)
  • SNP értékelés, STR, MLPA, RFLP, tFLP, LOH, AFLP applikációk
Tartozékok, kiszerelések

Genetic Analysis Software

Perform gene expression, STR, SNP, AFLP and other distinct DNA fragment sizing and identification applications using the GenomeLab™ GeXP Genetic Analysis System. Whether you're mapping inborn errors of metabolism, genotyping an individual, or quantifying microsatellite instability, the accurate and timely assignment of alleles can dramatically impact your lab's productivity. The GenomeLab™ GeXP Series Software Suite provides high- precision DNA sizing and sophisticated software algorithms with these processes in mind. The GenomeLab™ Software Suite also provides high quality sequence data analysis, ideal for genome sequence assembly, polymorphism studies, EST analysis and phylogenetic analysis.


Alleles may be identified by size or a combination of size and color allowing both STR and SNPs to be identified from the same simplified setup.


All parameters associated with the results are at your fingertips, allowing data to be reviewed with ease. Electropherograms may be further stacked and overlaid or stacked to facilitate data comparison.


Accurate & Timely Assignment of Alleles

You can identify alleles even in the presence of enzyme stutter and the plus Adenosine artifact. The GenomeLab™ software automatically assesses quality and highlights results that need further review, allowing you to rapidly assess and interpret your data.


Data Review & Organization

The GeXP Series delivers precise DNA sizing, accurate allele assignment and automated data review. It has a sophisticated set of tools for managing and reviewing data, with sorting and filtering tools that operate on a set of over 100 independent properties. Individual results can be mapped to your personal preference to automatically review the data.


Data Output

The GenomeLab™ Software allows for several formats of reporting/exporting analyzed data.

The Genotype Summary report can be exported for linkage/association studies.

Analyzed data can also be presented in semi-custom reports based on Microsoft Word templates or exported in multiple formats (*.csv, *.txt, *.crv, *.pre,*.gsr) to be used in third party data analysis applications.


Secondary Analyses


The GenomeLab™ Software provides integrated Binning processes to facilitate Locus tag genera

Finally, a multiplexed, quantitative gene expression solution that meets your needs and is cost effective!

Imagine being able to multiplex up to 30 genes in one reaction, quantitatively and reproducibly, using only a small amount of your precious RNA sample. Imagine no longer! You can now achieve this with our highly multiplexed reverse transcription PCR* approach (XP-PCR*) to quickly and efficiently look at the expression of multiplexed gene sets with greater sensitivity, speed and cost effectiveness compared to singlet and multiplex based-q PCR* approaches.


The GenomeLab™ GeXP Genetic Analysis System can accurately detect as low as 0.5-fold changes in gene expression, providing more precise information than ever before. Powered with our unique universal priming strategy, XP-PCR* allows multiple reference genes, genes of interest and an internal control to be unbiasedly analyzed in a single well. This enables the most accurate normalization and leads to reliable detection of very small changes in gene expression.


The GenomeLab™ GeXP Genetic Analysis System is ideal for multiplex panel validation and pathway studies. Focus areas include stem cell pluripotency studies1, cancer research utilizing FFPE samples, multiplex microbial detection for respiratory virus identification2 andfood & beverage bacteria and yeast characterization. The GeXP also supports researchers who have completed their initial discovery work from the literature or large-scale screening technologies. The GeXP system is used for multiplexed, quantitative gene expression analysis as well as a multipurpose genetic analysis platform.


Gene Expression Solutions Benefits

High-throughput quantitative gene expression

With the capacity to analyze up to 30 genes per reaction, the scalable GenomeLab™ GeXP enables the examination of up to 5,760 data points unattended in 24 hours.

Cost-effective and time-saving gene expression

The GenomeLab™ GeXP System can lower your PCR* expenses and improve efficiency. Here's how: the multiplex power built into the GeXP enables you to analyze up to 30 genes per sample at a dramatically reduced cost-per-gene expression result with considerable time savings.

High accuracy
Videók, ismertetők



Brochures / Data Sheets
Automated Multiplexed Gene Expression Profiling
GenomeLab GeXP Genetic Analysis System
Authenticate Your Human Cell Lines
CEQ 8000 AFLP Analysis
CEQ 8000 STR Analysis
GenomeLab GeXP Series SNP Analysis
GenomeLab DTCS Quick Start Kit for Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing
GenomeLab Human STR Primer Set
Sequencing Template Conversion
The eXpress Profiling Process for Gene Expression Analysis
WellRED Dye-Labelled Phosphoramidites

A Multiplexed Capillary Electrophoresis Method to Screen Beer-Spoilage Bacteria and Wild Yeast
A Novel Strategy for the Simultaneous Detection of Alternatively Spliced Transcripts: A Study of MEF2C Exon Covariation
High-Throughput, Quantitative Multiplex Gene Expression Assay Accelerates The Validation Of Breast Cancer Biomarkers
Rapid and Accurate Identification of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with a Novel Multiplex Gene Expression Assay
Validation of a 16-Gene Expression Signature in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancers from FFPE Samples

Technical Application Information
A Rapid and Efficient Method for the Post-Reaction Cleanup of Labeled Dye Terminator Sequencing Products Using the Avanti J-E Centrifuge with the AllSpin JS-5.3 Rotor
AFLP Protocol For Plant Science on CEQ Series Genetic Analysis System
Allele Size and Plus A in CEQ Fragment Analysis Software
Analysis of 26 Weber Panel Simple Tandem Repeat Polymorphisms Using the CEQ 2000 Fragment Analysis System
Automated Binning Process for the Generation of Locus Tags
Automating Heterozygote Detection Using the Human p53 Gene as a Model System
Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) End Sequencing Analysis
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