CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter is a benchtop sorter. It is capable of meeting requirements for a wide range of sorting needs. And like the CytoFLEX Platform, it includes innovative technologies that simplify the setup and operation, empowering investigators to focus on the research questions. The Violet-Blue-Yellow Green-Red (V-B-Y-R) Series has 15 fluorescent detectors when fully activated. It can be purchased with as few as four with an option to activate additional lasers and detectors with an activation key. It is capable of complex sort logic with different combinations of sort settings on each of four streams, including the ability to catch aborts of one of the other streams. An optional Biosafety Cabinet including aerosol evacuation or a standalone Aerosol Evacuation Unit is available.
Exquisite sensitivity for multicolor applications
Parameter matched to the CytoFLEX S V-B-Y-R Series
Intuitive software to facilitate multicolor analysis, CytExpert for CytoFLEX SRT
Uses technology to increase ease of use by automating sort stream setup and maintenance throughout the sort
Designed for reliability and supported by teams of experts
Up to 15 fluorescent colors to define populations
4-way sorting, Mixed Mode sorting
Ability to catch aborts and preserve precious cells
High recovery and post sort viability
Accurate single-cell deposition using the Cyclone Movement System, including Index Sorting
Sort into tubes, slides, or microplates
Signal Processing | Digital system with 7-decade display |
Performance | 30 MESF-FITC, 10 MESF-PE, 25 MESF-APC |
Lasers | 488 nm, 638 nm, 405 nm, 561 nm |
Sorting Performance | With a target population of 5% and a threshold rate of <10,000 events per second, >99% purity and >80% of Poisson's expected yield |
Drop Dive Frequency | Automatically set, manually adjustable between 30,000-35,000 Hz |
Sorting Modes | 4-way Sorting; enrichment or purity or single, ability to catch aborts |
Resolution | 300 nm particles (488 nm SSC), 200 nm particles (405 nm VSSC), rCV 3% |
Detection | Avalanche Photodiodes |
Nozzle Diameter(s) | 100 µm |
Collection Vessels | 12x75 mm tubes, 15 mL conical tubes, 96-well plates, 96-deep-well plates, 384-well plates, slides |
Power Requirements | 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz |
The CytExpert for SRT features automated workflow with innovative setup, monitoring, and stream maintenance systems. Novice users can learn how to operate the system quickly, allowing researchers to spend more time on biological questions and experimental design. Built-in algorithms provide real-time calibration and make sure the right drop delay is assigned factoring in ambient temperature and particle sizes. Stream adjusts and is monitored automatically to help ensure that droplets reach the target tube or well.
Click the button and follow the prompts on the screen. Install the nozzle and click next. The system completes diagnostic tests, pressurizes, and starts the stream in less than 10 minutes.
Instrument QC is the same process as on the CytoFLEX platform and uses the same QC bead. This routine takes less than 5 minutes.
The software defines the droplet parameters and completes the side stream parameter settings. The drop delay is determined and drop delay values are given. Total time ~6 minutes.
User interface allows operators to quickly set up complex sort logic for four independent streams quickly: select population, sort mode, collection tube volume, and target count.
System Shutdown procedure rinses the sample lane and perfuses the flow cell to prevent saline accumulation. Long-term shutdown routine prepares the instrument fluidics for inactivity exceeding 7 days. System liquid is replaced with 70% ethanol solution to prevent microbial growth. Multiple pre-programmed preventive maintenance procedures are available.
Carry out an aseptic clean if the instrument has not been used for more than 30 days or prior to performing an aseptic sorting. The procedure will perfuse 10% bleach through the instrument fluidics and soak per the user specified time. After rinsing with deionized water, an additional perfusion of 70% ethanol will be conducted. The instrument will be prepared for idle by perfusing with sterile sheath fluid.
Class II, Type Biosafety Containment Cabinet designed specifically for the CytoFLEX SRT Cell Sorter through a partnership with Baker Corporation. The biosafety cabinet relies on the flow of air to provide the following protection:
All microbiological tests were performed using test methods and acceptance guidelines set forth by the following National and International Biological Safety Cabinet Standards which are to be following all regulatory biosafety requirements internationally.
Reagents |
Part # |
Contrad 70 Cleaning Solution |
81911 |
CytoFLEX Daily QC Fluorospheres |
B53230 |
CytoFLEX Sheath Fluid |
B51503 |
FlowClean Cleaning Agent |
A64669 |
6605359 |
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