Image an incredible range of assays with various user-changeable filter cubes, 1-100X objectives, environmental control, fluidics option, and many sample formats including atypical plates for 3D assays.
A selection of feature-rich turnkey application modules is available with MetaXpress® software. For the development of novel assays, we offer an optional custom analysis module.
The imager is a highly flexible solution, you can add or change many of the components as your research priorities change. Examples include enhance light engines and automation.
The system offers fluorescence, confocal, widefield, colorimetric, phase contrast, and brightfield label-free imaging.
The system can be upgraded to include the proprietary AgileOptix™ technology for accurate 3D volumetric analyses.
Low and high intensity signal quantification in a single image with >3 log dynamic range intensity detection.
Using 4X magnification with a 1536-well plate, 225K wells per day can be acquired. Greater than a million wells per week can be imaged.
Temperature, humidity, and CO2 control for multi-day live-cell imaging or fast kinetic studies are available.
Air and oil immersion objectives ranging from 1X to 100X are available for installation into the 4-position objective changer.
Camera: >4 megaPixel CMOS
Field of View with 10x: 1.96 mm2
Speed:>200,000 wells/day
Objectives: 1x-100X Air and Oil
5 position filter cube changer
Laser + image autofocus
Phase Contrast
Transmitted Light
Plates supported: Up to 1536-well plates & Microscope slides
Temperature, humidity, CO2 & O2 Control
Fluidics with Env. Control
Software: MetaXpress
MD Store Data Management
Custom Module Editor
MetaXpress® High-Content Image Acquisition and Analysis Software is a comprehensive solution for high-content analysis featuring a tightly orchestrated and integrated workflow. The portfolio of application modules supports a range of needs from ease-of-use through to proprietary assay design. The software includes powerful and elegant tools for 2D and 3D imaging such as time lapse analysis. With the assistance of our acquisition setup wizard, you’ll be generating data in minutes.
MetaXpress software is a platform for 2D and 3D image acquisition and analysis. The 3D Image Analysis Module can analyze spheroids, microtissues, cells in a 3D matrix, and small organisms.
The modular toolbox allows for the quick setup of hundreds of routinely used high-content assays. Choose from our optional selections of turnkey application modules for greater convenience.
Quickly create multi-step routines with the Custom Module Editor. It enables advanced analyses such as identifying objects within objects, and creating morphometric classifiers for shape analysis.
The integrated acquisition and analysis application modules for 3D cell models simplify high-throughput quantification of 3D structures with volume, intensity, and distance measurements.
Easily captures fast biological functions with our patented fast frame rate that can capture 50 frames per second. A 1-color, 384-well plate analysis can be performed in a little as six minutes.
Application modules feature turnkey image segmentation for label-free and fluorescently labeled images. The Custom Module Editor offers advanced tools for improved segmentation.
MetaXpress PowerCore™ Software runs analysis routines in minutes. This optional module leverages the power of parallel processing to accelerate analysis.
MDCStore™ Data Manager, included with MetaXpress software, organizes images, experimental information, and data analysis. It enables seamless manipulation of complex sets of images and metadata.
AcuityXpress™ High-Content Informatics Software is an optional enterprise level platform for advanced data mining, analysis, statistics, and visualization. It shares the MDCStore database for seamless integration.
Stem cells differentiated into cardiomyocytes are used to screen early for potential toxicological effects of drugs, thus helping to avoid investment in development of drugs which will fail in clinical trials due to cardiac toxicity.
Neurons create connections via extensions of their cellular body called processes. This biological phenomenon is referred to as neurite outgrowth. Understanding the signaling mechanisms driving neurite outgrowth provides valuable insight into neurotoxic responses, compound screening, and for interpreting factors influencing neural regeneration. Using the ImageXpress Micro system in combination with MetaXpress Image Analysis Software automated neurite outgrowth imaging and analysis is possible for slide or microplate-based cellular assays.
Pluripotent stem cells can be used for studies in developmental biology or differentiated as a source for organ-specific cells and used for live or fixed cell-based assays on slides or in multi-well plates. The ImageXpress Nano system paired with CellReporterXpress software for analysis has utility in all parts of the stem cells researcher’s workflow from tracking differentiation to quality control to measuring functionality of specific cell types.
Screening for off-target or toxic effects is very important during the development of new drugs and for the extension of the therapeutic potential of existing molecules. ImageXpress systems are fully integrated hardware and software platforms for automated acquisition and analysis of images for high-throughput cell-based cytotoxicity testing. Configured with optional environmental control, living cell responses or kinetic reactions can be monitored in real time for several days.
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