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Grant Scientific

Heated circulating baths

heated circ 2
Grant cirkulációs vízfürdők több méretben, több típusban.


T100 heated circulating baths

  • Ambient +5 to 100°C
  • Stability ±0.05°C
  • Bright LED display
  • Two point user calibration
  • 120V & 230V models
TC120 heated circulating baths

  • Ambient +5 to 120°C
  • Stability ±0.05°C
  • Bright LED display
  • Two point user calibration
  • Integrated pump for external circulation
  • 120V & 230V models
TX150 heated circulating baths

  • Ambient +5 to 150°C
  • Stability ±0.01°C
  • Large colour TFT screen
  • Integrated pump for external circulation
  • One programmable temp. profile
  • USB/RS232 interface
  • 120V & 230V models
TXF200 heated circulating baths

  • Ambient +5 to 200°C
  • Stability ±0.01°C
  • Large colour TFT screen
  • Adjustable powerful pump for external circulation
  • Ten programmable temp. profiles
  • USB/RS232 interface
  • 120V & 230V models
Heated circulators

  • T100 & TC120 General purpose models
  • Simple dial and 2 key controls
  • Bright LED display
  • TC120 Integrated pump for ext. circulation
  • TX150 & TXF200 Advanced models
  • Icon driven, language independent
  • Large full colour TFT screen
  • Programmable temperature profiles
  • USB / RS232, 5pt calibration
Why buy a Grant heated circulating bath
  • Outstanding temperature control
  • Simple & intuitive user interface
  • Versatile modular format
  • Legendary quality and reliability
  • 3 year peace of mind warranty
  • 100% manufactured by Grant

Műszaki specifikációk
Model numberTank sizeWorking area
l x w (mm)
Temperature rangeAccessory cooling
T100-P5 5L 120 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 99°C
T100-P12 12L 210 x 280 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
T100-P18 18L 280 x 325 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
T100-ST5 5L 150 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 100°C
C1G (0 to 40°C)
T100-ST12 12L 205 x 300 0 to 100°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
T100-ST18 18L 385 x 300 0 to 100°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
T100-ST26 26L 385 x 300
(deeper tank)
0 to 100°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
T100-ST38 38L 585 x 300 0 to 100°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
Model numberTank sizeWorking area
l x w (mm)
Temperature rangeAccessory cooling
TC120-P5 5L 120 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 99°C
TC120-P12 12L 210 x 280 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TC120-P18 18L 280 x 325 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TC120-ST5 5L 150 x 150 0 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TC120-ST12 12L 205 x 300 0 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TC120-ST18 18L 385 x 300 0 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TC120-ST26 26L 385 x 300
(deeper tank)
-15 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
TC120-ST38 38L 585 x 300 -15 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
Model numberTank sizeWorking area
l x w (mm)
Temperature rangeAccessory cooling
TX150-P5 5L 120 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 99°C
TX150-P12 12L 210 x 280 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TX150-P18 18L 280 x 325 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TX150-ST5 5L 150 x 150 0 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TX150-ST12 12L 205 x 300 0 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TX150-ST18 18L 385 x 300 0 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TX150-ST26 26L 385 x 300
(deeper tank)
-15 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
TX150-ST38 38L 585 x 300 -15 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
Model numberTank sizeWorking area
l x w (mm)
Temperature rangeAccessory cooling
TXF200-P5 5L 120 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 99°C
TXF200-P12 12L 210 x 280 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TXF200-P18 18L 280 x 325 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TXF200-ST5 5L 150 x 150 0 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TXF200-ST12 12L 205 x 300 0 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TXF200-ST18 18L 385 x 300 0 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TXF200-ST26 26L 385 x 300
(deeper tank)
-15 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
TXF200-ST38 38L 585 x 300 -15 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
Model numberUnit size
(w x h x d)
Temperature stabilityTemperature rangePump performanceProgrammable
T100 120 x 172 x 335 ±0.05°C Ambient
+5 to 100°C
- -
TC120 120 x 172 x 335 ±0.05°C Ambient
+5 to 120°C
TX150 120 x 172 x 345 ±0.01°C Ambient
+5 to 150°C
via Labwise™
TXF200 120 x 172 x 345 ±0.01°C Ambient
+5 to 200°C
(with clamp)
120 x 172 x 335 ±0.05°C Ambient
+5 to 100°C
(with clamp)
120 x 172 x 335 ±0.05°C Ambient
+5 to 120°C
(with clamp)
120 x 172 x 345 ±0.01°C Ambient
+5 to 150°C
via Labwise™
(with clamp)
120 x 172 x 345 ±0.01°C Ambient
+5 to 200°C
Tartozékok, kiszerelések
Model numberTank sizeWorking area
l x w (mm)
Temperature rangeAccessory cooling
T100-P5 5L 120 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 99°C
T100-P12 12L 210 x 280 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
T100-P18 18L 280 x 325 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
T100-ST5 5L 150 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 100°C
C1G (0 to 40°C)
T100-ST12 12L 205 x 300 0 to 100°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
T100-ST18 18L 385 x 300 0 to 100°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
T100-ST26 26L 385 x 300
(deeper tank)
0 to 100°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
T100-ST38 38L 585 x 300 0 to 100°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
Model numberTank sizeWorking area
l x w (mm)
Temperature rangeAccessory cooling
TC120-P5 5L 120 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 99°C
TC120-P12 12L 210 x 280 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TC120-P18 18L 280 x 325 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TC120-ST5 5L 150 x 150 0 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TC120-ST12 12L 205 x 300 0 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TC120-ST18 18L 385 x 300 0 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TC120-ST26 26L 385 x 300
(deeper tank)
-15 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
TC120-ST38 38L 585 x 300 -15 to 120°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
Model numberTank sizeWorking area
l x w (mm)
Temperature rangeAccessory cooling
TX150-P5 5L 120 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 99°C
TX150-P12 12L 210 x 280 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TX150-P18 18L 280 x 325 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TX150-ST5 5L 150 x 150 0 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TX150-ST12 12L 205 x 300 0 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TX150-ST18 18L 385 x 300 0 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TX150-ST26 26L 385 x 300
(deeper tank)
-15 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
TX150-ST38 38L 585 x 300 -15 to 150°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
Model numberTank sizeWorking area
l x w (mm)
Temperature rangeAccessory cooling
TXF200-P5 5L 120 x 150 Ambient
+15 to 99°C
TXF200-P12 12L 210 x 280 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TXF200-P18 18L 280 x 325 Ambient
+5 to 99°C
TXF200-ST5 5L 150 x 150 0 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TXF200-ST12 12L 205 x 300 0 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TXF200-ST18 18L 385 x 300 0 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
TXF200-ST26 26L 385 x 300
(deeper tank)
-15 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
TXF200-ST38 38L 585 x 300 -15 to 200°C C1G (0 to 40°C)
C2G (-15 to 40°C)
Model numberUnit size
(w x h x d)
Temperature stabilityTemperature rangePump performanceProgrammable
T100 120 x 172 x 335 ±0.05°C Ambient
+5 to 100°C
- -
TC120 120 x 172 x 335 ±0.05°C Ambient
+5 to 120°C
TX150 120 x 172 x 345 ±0.01°C Ambient
+5 to 150°C
via Labwise™
TXF200 120 x 172 x 345 ±0.01°C Ambient
+5 to 200°C
(with clamp)
120 x 172 x 335 ±0.05°C Ambient
+5 to 100°C
(with clamp)
120 x 172 x 335 ±0.05°C Ambient
+5 to 120°C
(with clamp)
120 x 172 x 345 ±0.01°C Ambient
+5 to 150°C
via Labwise™
(with clamp)
120 x 172 x 345 ±0.01°C Ambient
+5 to 200°C
Videók, ismertetők

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