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Molecular Devices

Digidata 1550B plus HumSilencer Feature, Patch Clamp, Elektrofiziológia

A low-noise data acquisition system with single-click 50/60 Hz line-frequency noise elimination in less than one second.

For a variety of electrophysiology recordings including single-channel recordings, whole-cell voltage- and current-clamp recordings, intracellular sharp electrode recordings, extracellular field potential recordings in ion channel, neuroscience, nanopore, voltammetry studies.


The Axon™ Digidata® 1550A plus HumSilencer™ Adaptive Noise Cancellation brings a new level of simplicity to your electrophysiology workflows. Blending the precision and quality of the Axon Digidata 1550 with fast, hassle-free 50/60 Hz line-frequency noise elimination, the Digidata 1550A frees you from the anxiety of this often unanticipated issue. Experiments can move forward more reliably and small biological signals no longer remain obscured by noise now that you have the ability to eliminate line-frequency noise in less than one second and with only a single click.

What Is the HumSilencer Feature?
The HumSilencer feature is advanced technology that learns the local line-frequency noise patterns and associated high-frequency harmonics and removes them from the incoming signal in a filter-free way. Controlled through a simple ON/OFF check box in the Axon AxoScope or Axon Clampex software, the HumSilencer is easy to use, enabling (or disabling) subtraction of line-frequency noise from your signal with a single click.

If the pattern of the line frequency noise changes, such as by the introduction of a new noise source or through an increase in existing noise, HumSilencer rapidly learns and adapts. The new noise is eliminated in less than one second, and for amplitudes at the digitizer’s analog input of up to 20 V, peak-to-peak. 

The HumSilencer feature is not a filter and does not have a filtering effect on acquired signals; nor does the HumSilencer system cause signal distortion, such as frequency change, amplitude attenuation, phase shift, or DC voltage change. It is an adaptive, built-in solution to the problem of line-frequency noise.

With the Digidata 1550A plus HumSilencer, you get all the functions and capabilities of the Digidata 1550, with the added ease and convenience of the powerful HumSilencer

Műszaki specifikációk


  • Eliminates 50/60 Hz line-frequency noise and associated high frequency harmonics in less than one second and with a single click
  • Digitizes a wide range of input signals from -10 to +10 V
  • Eliminates a maximum noise amplitude of up to 20 V, peak-to-peak
  • 8 analog input channels to digitize acquired signals up to 500 kHz independently
  • 8 analog output channels to send command voltage output independently
  • 8 digital out channels to control the periphery equipment used in sophisticated experiments
  • Independent analog-to-digital converters for each input channel ensure low crosstalk levels and high data acquisition rates.
  • USB 2.0 connection allows operation on virtually any current PC computer running Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) Operating System, including laptops.
  • 16-bit resolution data
  • State-of-the-art signal-to-noise ratio
  • All signal connectors on the front panel for ease of access and maintenance of the electrophysiology set-up
  • Rack-mount case for tidy installation of all components in the electrophysiology set-up
  • User guide written by scientific consultants, with the assistance of Axon Instruments staff, for straightforward start-up and as an in-depth reference.

General Specifications

General Specifications


Maximum input signal 
(total of noise + signal)
±10 V
Maximum noise amplitude 20 V, peak-to-peak (on a 0 V signal)
Noise cancellation Line-frequency (50 Hz / 60 Hz) and harmonics to 10 kHz
Cancellation response time < 1 second

Analog Inputs

Number of input channels 8 single-ended
Number of ADCs 8
Sampling rates
1 Hz - 500 kHz; Maximum aggregate throughput rate is 500 kHz x 8 input channels = 4 Megasamples/s
Resolution 16-bit
Input range -10.000 V to +10.000 V
Input resistance >1 MΩ
Gain value 1

Analog Outputs

Number of channels 8
Number of DACs 8
Sampling rates 1 Hz -  500 kHz
Resolution 16-bit
Output range -10.000 V to +10.000 V
Output impedance <  0.5 Ω
Output short circuit to signal ground ±25 mA

Digital Outputs

Number of bits 8 (of 16) supported in software
SCOPE Dedicated trigger output
Output driver Advanced CMOS (AC) compatible
Output current ±4 mA source, cable
Type USB 2.0 braided
Length 3 meters

Trigger Inputs

Input type TTL compatible
TAG Rising-edge sensitive
START Rising-edge sensitive
Tartozékok, kiszerelések
Axoclamp 900A Headstages
Maximum Current*            
Headstage Ro (Ch1 &2) (Ch2) (Ch2) (Ch1) (Ch1)
HS-9Ax0.1U 100M 0.12μA 1.8μA 1.8μA 0.036μA 0.036μA
10M 1.20μA 18.0μA 18.0μA 0.360μA 0.360μA
HS-9Ax10U 1M 12.00μA 180.0μA 180.0μA 3.600μA 3.600μA

*Maximum current specifications assume negligible electrode resistance.

Axoclamp 900A Headstages
Description Details Part Number
Axoclamp 900A Headstage HS-9A X0.1U x0.1 headstage 1-2950-0359
Axoclamp 900A Headstage HS-9A X1U x1 headstage 1-2950-0360
Axoclamp 900A Headstage HS-9A X10U x10 headstage 1-2950-0361
Axoclamp 900A Headstage VG-9A X10U x10 virtual ground headstage 1-2950-0362
Axoclamp 900A Headstage VG-9A X100U x100 virtual ground headstage 1-2950-0363

SoftPanel Interface


To offer a more conventional interface to amplifier control, the optional SoftPanel was designed as a hardware extension to replicate all essential amplifier functions by acting as a hardware extension to the Axoclamp and MultiClamp Commander Software. The SoftPanel controller communicates with the computer via an easy-to-set up USB 2.0 connection. Using the SoftPanel knobs replicate continuous mouse controls ("gliders"), while buttons replicate single-click mouse controls without negating the many benefits afforded by computer control of the amplifier.





Axoclamp Commander Software

Instead of the traditional front panel knobs and switches, the Axoclamp 900A Amplifier is controlled by the Axoclamp 900A Commander Software, a program that runs on a Windows PC computer (see system requirements) and communicates with the amplifier via a USB interface. This control interface reports resistance, voltage, and current measurements and provides automation of Bridge Balance, Pipette Offset, and Pipette Capacitance Neutralization for improved ease of use. In addition, Axoclamp Commander has "smart" features that protect cells from potentially damaging signal oscillations and automate mode changes based on internal signal thresholds or externally applied signals. Amplifier settings such as gain, filter frequency, recording mode, and input/output scale factors are automatically telegraphed to the pCLAMP 10 Data Acquisition Software via the USB connection.  This ensures that the amplifier settings are accurately and conveniently stored in the recorded data files.

To obtain the installer for a more in-depth look at Axoclamp 900A Commander Software, please go to our Customer Support page.

In combination with a Digidata 1550 Data Acquisition System and pCLAMP Software, the Axoclamp 900A Amplifier forms the core of a recording setup like those used in many electrophysiology labs around the world.  Computer control of the amplifier ensures correct scaling and logging of experimental parameters. The Clampex Data Acquisition Module in pCLAMP Software makes optimal use of the features of the Axoclamp 900A Amplifier.

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