The AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer is a benchtop instrument capable of combining automated sample preparation and cellular analysis in a compact system. A 488 nm Solid State Diode Laser provides the light source for scatter and fluorescence measurements. Measurable parameters include Forward-Scatter (FS) and Electronic Volume (EV) for sizing, Side-Scatter (SS) for granularity measurements, and up to four independent fluorescence parameters. Easy to learn, easy to use, ideal for cross-training your lab staff, and represents a breakthrough solution to the most basic operational challenges of flow cytometry. With the Aquios CL you can minimize hands-on time with an integrated system that incorporates automated loading, sample preparation, reagent management, barcode scanning, data analysis, and full LIS connectivity. Minimizes exposure to potentially biohazardous material, such as open blood tubes. Aquios CL uses cap piercing technology, so you never have to deal with open blood tubes. The Aquios CL provides a 24/7 flow cytometry service, as the unit can be operated safely by minimally trained users. There’s minimize potential for user error inherent in systems that require numerous manual steps to set up and run. Accelerate your test turnaround time with high-throughput performance that eliminates many of the least efficient features of existing systems. Includes a computer-based onsite training system to get users up to speed quickly. The AQUIOS CL Flow Cytometer is intended for use with in vitro diagnostic flow cytometric applications using up to four fluorescent detection channels using a blue (488 nm) laser, two light scatter detection channels and electronic volume (EV).
Full Bidirectional LIS Connectivity
Automated System Setup
Smart Track Reagent Monitoring
Cassette Autoloader
Automated Sample Preparation
Pipeline Sample Processing*
*patent pending
Real Time Sample Monitoring
Comprehensive Quality Control
AQUIOS CL System Specifications:
Sample Loading: Autoloader holds up to 8 cassettes at a time with up to 5 sample tubes each and allows for continuous loading and unloading. A separate single-tube loader nables both open- and closed-vial sampling.
Automate Your Workflow
True load and go workflow automation on the AQUIOS CL allows you to run standardized IVD cleared assays for lymphocyte subset analysis and CD34+ stem cell enumeration. ADS 2.0 additionally allows the usage of customized reagents to automate user defined test.
Fast, Efficient, High Throughput Lymphocyte Subset Analysis
In the clinical management of immune deficiency diseases, accurately counting the absolute cell numbers of leukocyte subsets and measuring the percentage of individual subtypes in blood is critical. The AQUIOS CL flow cytometer in combination with AQUIOS Tetra reagents provides a Single Platform Technology (SPT) for lymphocyte subset analysis and enumeration without the need for counting beads.
AQUIOS Tetra system tests for simultaneous identification and enumeration of T, B, and NK lymphocytes in whole blood are proven for reliability and precision.
AQUIOS Tetra-1 and AQUIOS Tetra-2+ are for In Vitro Diagnostic Use. AQUIOS CL with Tetra-1 has been accepted for the World Health Organization list of prequalified in vitro diagnostic products.
The AQUIOS reagents use a unique barcode identity for tracking reagent type, lot number, container number, expiration dates, and remaining reagent levels. The reagent consumption is monitored by the system as the samples are processed.
Barcode tracking eliminates the need for manual QC or reagent logs and generates a full, easily reviewable audit trail. Should QC fail, operator is alerted via text message or email.
The AQUIOS CL System streamlines operations by incorporating automated loading, sample preparation, reagent management, and barcode scanning as well as data analysis and bidirectional LIS connectivity in one compact platform.
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