STR analysis systems to characterize cells and tissues, detect and identify mixed samples, and confirm cell origin and identity.
Amplify 21 loci for the highest level of discrimination. Includes rapid PCR technology for reduced amplification time and a convenient master mix formulation with hot-start Taq polymerase.
Direct amplification from FTA® cards and four-color fluorescent detection of 18 loci. The reduced amplification time allows easier and faster genotyping results.
Amplify and detect 16 loci using a convenient master mix that includes hot-start Taq DNA polymerase.
STR analysis systems for manual and automated cell line identity confirmation, and systems for detection of intra-species contamination of cultured human cell lines.
Accurately discriminate between biological samples and human cell lines. The resulting STR profiles are compatible with publicly available databases. Fewer loci simplify data interpretation.
Direct amplification from FTA® cards and four-color fluorescent detection of 18 loci. The reduced amplification time allows easier and faster genotyping results.
Promega offers STR systems to amplify the expanded CODIS loci, ENFSI-recommended loci and other loci such as the low-stutter pentanucleotide markers Penta D and Penta E.
Five-color and six-color fluorescent systems that co-amplify the expanded CODIS core loci and European Standard Set loci. These systems offer the highest discrimination from a single reaction and delivers more information for demanding forensic, paternity and relationship testing cases.
The PowerPlex® Y23 system is a rapid human identification Y-STR assay for forensic casework, offender databasing and relationship testing. The five-color system uses rapid cycling to co-amplify 23 Y-STR loci and direct-amplification protocols for common sample types.
The PowerPlex® ESX and ESI Fast Systems are rapid (≤50-minute cycling time) human-identification STR assays for forensic casework, offender databasing and relationship testing.
A rapid human identification STR system for forensic casework, offender databasing and relationship testing.
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