PharmaGard ES NU-NR800 Biztonsági fülke veszélyes gyógyszeralapanyagokhoz |
Safety is Not an Option
Cabinet interchange doors shall be interlocked to prevent the inner door from opening when the outer door is open. A motor regulator prevents workzone and interchange to be positively pressured.
Experience Ergonomics
Ergonomic design encourages proper posture reducing fatigue. Large oval glove ports allow full range of motion extending the user's reach. Ability to Sit or stand at a range of heights. Cool white lighting and open sight lines offer greater visibility into the work zone. Large effective work zone reduces arm, neck, and shoulder strain. A counter balance inter-change door and sliding work tray makes bringing new materials into the work zone a breeze. Three IV bar locations provide proper compounding height and distance.
Quick Change Sharps and Waste
Under the work surface sharps and waste system saves pharmacy space. Containers are held in place by guides to create an air tight seal. Releasing the locking mechanism frees containers moving them down and closer to the user for easy replacement.
Energy Saver Motor
An ultra high efficiency motor saves on your energy bills while increasing filter life lowering your total cost of ownership.
TruLaminar Airflow
Unidirectional airflow moving along parallel flow lines at a constant velocity of 35 to 45 fpm (.18 to .23 m/s) at 20 air changes per minute minimizes air turbulence within the work zone lessening the chance for cross contamination creating ISO Class 5 Air Quality.
HEPEX™ Zero Leak Airflow System
The HEPEX™ plenum inflates to provide quiet uniform air without transferring vibration. Positive pressure chambers and ducts are surrounded by negative pressure eliminating potential leaks. HEPEX™ fabrics are incredibly durable. They are flameproof, provide a barrier against water, gases, fluid, and dust as well as resist to chemicals, oils, and greases. It even holds antibacterial properties and is impregnable meaning harmful materials become trapped in the filters.
Vibration and sound control.
Standard Features
Optional Features
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