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Oligonukleotid szintézis, szintetikus biológia



IDT termékek szállítási költségei 2024.04.-től:

A szintézis helyétől, valamint a szállítási körülményektől függően az alábbi költségek kerülnek felszámításra:

  • Belgiumból: nettó 6 900 Ft

    USA-ból: nettó 34 000 Ft

    Belgiumból, szárazjégen: nettó 37 000 Ft

    USA-ból, szárazjégen: nettó 45 000 Ft

  • Oldatok szállítási költsége: mennyiség és súly függvénye, kérjen ajánlatot a Bio-Science Kft.-től!

Általános tájékoztató az IDT USA gyártási központjából érkező „custom” termékcsoportokról:

szintetikus biológiai termékek:

  • Gének
  • gBlocks, eBlocks
  • Ultramerek
  • RNS-oligók
  • CRISPR guide RNS-ek
  • oPools

qPCR próbák:

a szintézis helye a szekvencia komplexitásától, valamint a választott festék/ quencher kombinációtól függ


  • PAGE tisztított termékek

stock termékek:

nem áll teljes lista rendelkezésre, kérjen ajánlatot a Bio-Science Kft.-től!

workflowxGen® Target Capture products from IDT enable greater sensitivity and higher sample throughput for targeted next generation sequencing (NGS). NGS researchers can now benefit from the IDT high throughput, quality controlled manufacturing process to order gene panels that have the greatest level of uniformity. These panels can be easily optimized with the addition of more probes.


  • Focus on relevant genomic regions or transcripts of interest
  • Improve detection of SNPs, InDels, and other genetic variants
  • Analyze insertion sites of mobile or viral DNA elements
  • Analyze highly variable regions
  • Multiplex in a single lane to improve the power of your study
  • Improve the performance of any manufacturer's capture panel


  • Unparalleled flexibility for design, optimization, and expansion of custom panels
  • Minimal GC bias and high uniformity of coverage
  • Easily scale to 1000s of enrichment reactions cost-effectively
  • Individually synthesized and analyzed by ESI mass spec for 100%QC


xGen® Lockdown® Probes

xGen® Lockdown® Probes are individually synthesized oligonucleotides that offer an unprecedented level of flexibility and scalability. The probes, which are available at different scales, are assessed by mass spectrometry for quality control, enabling a seamless transition from discovery to clinical application.


xGen® Lockdown® Panels

xGen® Lockdown Panels are functionally validated, stocked gene panels for targeted next generation sequencing that are optimized for performance. Achieve the highest level of enrichment uniformity, while improving throughput, and increasing variant detection sensitivity.


xGen® Blocking Oligos

xGen® Blocking Oligos enhance the performance of target capture experiments by preventing cross-hybridization between adapter sequences or hybridization of adapters to capture probes. Blocking Oligos bind to adapters that are ligated to the DNA library before enrichment.


For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, IDT does not intend for these products to be used in clinical applications and does not warrant their fitness or suitability for any clinical diagnostic use. Purchaser is solely responsible for all decisions regarding the use of these products and any associated regulatory or legal obligations.

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